The next monthly Atlas Meet in Delhi will take place on Friday, 19 February, 2010. This time (on the suggestion of Mayank Sharma, a new participant), the Meet will focus on discussions of Ayn Rand's exhilarating novel - "The Fountainhead".
'The Fountainhead' probably has a special place for most fans of Ayn Rand's works. On this blog, more than two-thirds of the respondents list it as the first book of Miss Rand's that they read in answer to "Tell us about your journey: Share your experience...". Nobody can remain unmoved after reading this epic drama of the individual vs. the collective!
It is always a great joy to revisit the wonderful world of Ayn Rand, to soak in the spirit of her characters and see the world as it ought to be. We'll begin by watching short video excerpts from the movie version of The Fountainhead, including Roark's speech in defense of his dynamiting Courtland.
To make the evening more enjoyable for everyone, participants are encouraged to choose their favorite characters from the novel (from both the heroes and villians) and come with a quote from each character. We can then talk about how events in the novel relate to our own lives today and to the world around us.
19th February 2010
5.30 pm - 7.45 pm
: You can also participate in the discussions live over the internet via audio/video conferencing. All you need is a web-browser and audio capabilities on your computer. If you have a webcam, then you can see us and be seen as well. If you are interested, you must send an email to at least one day in advance to receive the link and instructions.
The Agenda
Session I (Savor and Study)
5.30 pm - 6.45 pm: Watch trailer of "The Fountainhead", followed by a video excerpt of Roark's speech from the movie. Share favorite characters and quotes. Discuss relevance to our lives and the world today.
6.45 pm - 7.15 pm: Tea and snacks break.
[Those interested in coming in only for one session, could arrive or depart during this time.]
Session II (Spread and Sustain)
7.15 pm - 7.45 pm: Discussions on ways to spread Ayn Rand's ideas amongst students -
i) continuation of discussions on ideas mooted in previous meetings (Organizing talks in schools through personal contacts).
ii) other ideas for promoting the same.
The Venue
inlingua International School of Languages,
N-12, first floor,
South Extension - Part I
It is an open meeting - anyone interested in Ayn Rand's ideas is welcome. You may call Vikram on 9810028900 for directions. If you're planning to attend, it would be helpful if you let us know by leaving a comment below or by sending an email to .
Ayn Rand's "Selfishness" really reflects what we mean by self-interest. Obama says community interests are more important than are individual interests, which is the kind of Rousseau to Marx view of the people in the herd, Obama and his elite few being the rulers of the herd. If you look at Roark's jury summation from FOUNTAINHEAD, you find self-interest which focuses on his art, his creations, which, like the woman he loved, are outside of him. That is not "selfish" or self-centered, but outer-centered where the circle of interests are smaller than proposed by socialists. See The Changing Face of Democrats on Amazon and