Quote of the week...please share your favourite line from Ayn Rand's writings

“Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values.”

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Another review of 'Atlas Shrugged', the movie

In a thought-provoking article on the new film Atlas Shrugged: Part 1, Shrikant Rangnekar asks and answers ten important questions on what impact the movie will have on our culture.


(Mr. Rangnekar runs a publishing business in New York and has been a long-time Objectivist.)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

First steps towards a return to the Gold Standard?!

Utah passes bill to make Gold and Silver legal tender

In a defiant mood, Utah's House and Senate thumbed their noses at the US Federal Reserve by passing a bill to remove state taxes on the transfer of gold and allow shops in the state to accept payment in gold coins.

The Financial Times has a story on this historic move:


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Atlas Shrugged Movie Review

C. A. Wolski reviews the film Atlas Shrugged: Part I in the forthcoming spring edition of The Objective Standard. The film releases on April 15 in a limited number of theatres in the USA. Excerpts from his review:

... Atlas Shrugged: Part I is not the novel and it does not pretend to be. It is a fairly competently made, credible adaptation of one of the most complex novels ever written. Even with its flaws, the film is enjoyable and has wonderful moments, including some in which it captures the power of the novel—such as the party during which Dagny gets the Rearden Metal bracelet, the scene during which Hank hands over his ore mine to Paul Larkin, and the already mentioned scene during which Dagny and Hank discover the motor. Fans of Ayn Rand’s masterpiece likely will enjoy these scenes in particular and appreciate the movie generally. Those unfamiliar with the story will probably enjoy the movie as well and may find their curiosity sufficiently piqued to read the book. If so, they will be even more richly rewarded. All in all, Atlas Shrugged: Part I will be a satisfactory journey for many viewers and could help increase awareness of Rand’s work.

 To read the full review, go to: